are said to be one of the friendliest chicken breeds. They lay around
120 dark brown eggs. They have a single comb and feathered feet.
color blue does not hatch true in chickens. Blue is a diluting gene
for black. So 50% of the blue Cochins will hatch blue, and 25% will be
black. The last 25% will be "splash," having received two diluting
genes. So I won't know for sure if she is blue, black or splash until
she grows. Her feathers are starting to come in, they look black to me,
but who am I to say. This is my first time so we will just have to
wait and see.
If she does feather out a true blue, she will look like this. If not she will look like this but all black!

I didn't want to name her anything to do with "blue" just in case. So
no Blue Bell. What about Cochina? Nah. What do you think would be a good
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