Tuesday, November 15, 2011

So far so good....

I was asked to show the progress that I have made with my knitting.  Well it has been one one week so far and I am up to the main body part, which you keep stitching over and over (12 times) until you get the length.  Now, the nose is not as puffy as I think it should be but this is the very first knitting stitches I had ever done.  He is not perfect but I am very happy with the outcome so far! 
You see... this all came about because my friend Terri went to New York and told me that everyone, men and women, were wearing scarves. Its the new thing! So while I'm thinking about this, I see a very cute alligator scarf on Etsy but it was very expensive.  Then my friend Wilma found this knitting pattern and now I'm knitting and I'm able to keep up with the fashions of today in a very unique way! If you are a knitter and your interested in this pattern its from Morehouse Farm
Meanwhile, I'm working on more Wizard of Oz bags.  I think there will be 7 total, in what I'm going to call my "Friend of Dorthy" series!!  I'll keep you posted!  Now I'm off to a Grand Skein to show Wilma and her knitting group my progress!


  1. Yep...I'm an instiGATOR! It looks terrific, Bobbi...will it be done for guild next week?

  2. I'm in your blog! I'm flattered! We love seeing your progress on the scarf and none of us believes you were ever "knittingly challenged."
